The new photovoltaic system of the Neodecortech plant in Casoli di Atri was launched on December 16th 2023. With more than 1,200 panels and a capacity of 500 kW, the plant will be able to supply energy equal to 20% of the electrical needs of the production site, where the Group concentrates its surface lamination activities.
The Casoli photovoltaic system joins the already existing photovoltaic plant of the Filago headquarters and the biomass production plant of the electricity needed for the paper mill. With the conviction that pursuing sustainability objectives in the medium and long term is also economically useful, the investment is a step forward on the path towards energy self-production started by the Group some time ago, that continues to focus with great force on renewables.
“This plant allows – states CEO Luigi Cologni – the avoidance of producing 165 tons of CO2 equivalents per year from fossil sources. It is part of the broader project pursued by the Neodecortech Group to achieve as many as 10 of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations in the 2030 agenda, with a particular focus on decarbonization. After neutralizing carbon emissions (scope 1 and 2) for the Neodecortech Spa and Bio Energia Guarcino plants, in 2023 we achieved the same result for Cartiere di Guarcino, thus reaching the Scope 1 and 2 Carbon Neutrality goal for the Group.”