The Neodecortech Group has long applied the principles of circularity to the use of water, a precious and indispensable resource within its production cycles.

This virtuous approach has achieved significant results over time, especially for Cartiere di Guarcino, which uses water not by consuming the resource, but by simply using it in the paper formation process, then filtering it and returning it chemically and organoleptically pure to the Cosa river from which it was drawn.

Today, the Neodecortech facility in Filago has also made progress in the process of reusing the water it uses, further enhancing the already existing purification plants. Thanks to the innovative technological solutions implemented in the new plant, the washing water from the printing process undergoes a chemical-physical procedure that makes it clean and reusable. This water can be reused in the impregnation phase and to dilute resins.

Considering the total annual water consumption of the Filago plant, which is about 17,000 cubic meters, including well water and potable water, with 2,100 cubic meters used for impregnation, it is easy to see the dual benefit offered by the new purification plant: less pure water to acquire and less wastewater to dispose of, resulting in a clear and significant saving of this precious resource.

This activity, like the recent achievement of the Group’s carbon neutrality, is a tangible sign of the economic benefits of applying the principles of the circular economy.