PATH-S is born, the Neodecortech magazine that explains what, how and why of Sustainability.

What sustainability is for the Neodecortech Group is what is explored in the first issue. A narrative of clarity and simplicity, made up of stories, interviews and images to testify to the work that has already been done, what is being done and anticipate the direction of the paths that are being traced, to create value for all.

“We felt the need to have a more agile and accessible tool than the Sustainability Report to share certain choices, results and goals with our stakeholders, internal and external – explains Luigi Cologni, CEO Neodecortech Group -. We think that the language – visual and textual – of a magazine facilitates the understanding of some concepts still reserved for professionals and can contribute to the spread of a culture of sustainable development.”

Available printed (limited edition) and digital version on the company’s website, PATH-S offers answers, insights and food for thought on issues that affect the daily life of the company. For this reason, the magazine is intended to be a tool for updating and training employees and communication for customers and suppliers.

Only one number is planned for 2024, while in the future more releases are not excluded over the year with closer updates.