The information days on sustainability for the first and second lines of the Neodecortech Group, were held in Bergamo, at the innovative headquarters of Kilometro Rosso on May 31st, and in Guarcino, in the setting of the San Luca Monastery, on June 14th.

Introduced by CEO Luigi Cologni, both appointments had the numerous managers of the various corporate functions offering a comprehensive overview of the ESG strategy, activities and results achieved so far by the Group. Goal: to start a process of sharing and ambassadorship, providing the tools to properly communicate the key messages of corporate sustainability to its stakeholders, developing, through time, a competitive advantage.

The two days, full of content and interesting ideas, are the first moment of training, discussion and dialogue on this issue, that will be followed by other meetings and informative materials for the entire company. All procedures are involved in a change that is substantial and part of the company DNA, as well as the basis of a solid future.