Bosco della Memoria was inaugurated Saturday, March 18th as part of the celebrations of the National Day in memory of the victims of Covid-19, a highly symbolic place created by the City of Bergamo in collaboration with the Associazione Comuni Virtuosi.

An institutional and touching ceremony, to the tune of the jazz trumpeter Paolo Fresu, with the ribbon cut by the Mayor Giorgio Gori, accompanied by the Councillor for public Green of the City of Bergamo Marzia Marchesi, in the presence of the Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto, the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci and representatives of the Episcopal Curia of Bergamo.

The new green area rises near the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital, symbol of struggle and resilience in one of the cities most affected by the Coronavirus epidemic. “The goal – explain the organizers – is for it to become a living place, where we could host cultural and recreational initiatives for schools, but also for all citizens who want to attend and take care of it”.

Neodecortech is among the companies that participated in the fundraising for the planting of about 800 trees that make up this forest, able to welcome the memory and at the same time offer a space for sharing to the community. “We are particularly pleased to have contributed to this project so significant – is the comment of the CEO Luigi Cologni, present among the guests at the ceremony. An important initiative, which allows us to express our belonging and to contribute to the future of the territory in which we operate and in which the families of our employees live”.