The Neodecortech Group has launched a new corporate welfare initiative. Taking advantage of the Aiuti-bis decree, Neodecortech will give all employees, with the exception of executives, a bonus of 200 euros in the form of ticket compliments. A concrete support that meets the needs of families in a difficult economic situation like the current one.

“With the well-being of workers in mind, the Company’s Board of Directors has decided to seize the opportunity offered by the legislator and effectively integrate wages, taking us, as a company, a useful first step to counter the high cost of living,” says Luigi Cologni, CEO of the Neodecortech Group.

In addition to the bonus, the Group will provide a link to a vademecum that summarizes some simple and practical tips for saving electricity, gas, and water in everyday life; valuable precautions to be implemented not only in homes but also in public places and workplaces, with the belief that the sum of small gestures can immediately make a big difference.

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