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Sustainable development

We are a Group of 3 companies integrated in the supply chain of the wood industry; we are among the main European operators in the production of decorative papers for laminated panels and flooring used in the interior design sector, listed in the Euronext STAR Milan segment, organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Sustainability is part of our DNA.
It was thanks to the responsible choices made in recent years that we were able to cope with the difficulties caused by the pandemic and seize the opportunities arising from the extraordinary wave of demand generated by the renewed interest in home and furnishings.

Production sites


Listing at Euronext STAR Milano



Consolidated turnover 2021

176 Mio

Product lines in full swing in 2022



Last year, our Group generated around 180 million Euros (consolidated), recording a leap in turnover and all profitability indices. The result of an integrated way of thinking and decision-making that combine environmental, economic and social sustainability.
A series of product line diversification projects started at least 3 years ago will be fully operational in 2022.

To the surplus of demand we answered both with traditional product lines, production, printing and impregnation of paper, and diversifying with other products; in 2018 we had bought a small company that produced laminate, we introduced new plastic products and relative circularity; we use recycled pet and the pvc we use we recycle it entirely; these product lines went fully up and running in 2021.

A strategy, ours, that integrates sustainability in every choice and concrete action, and that also allows to diversify the markets, reducing the risks due to unforeseen events.

A business model that aims to create profit for our shareholders, value for our stakeholders and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG – Sustainable Development Goal).

A strategy, ours, that integrates sustainability in every choice and concrete action, and that also allows to diversify the markets, reducing the risks due to unforeseen events.

A business model that aims to create profit for our shareholders, value for our stakeholders and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG – Sustainable Development Goal).

We have strong governance, which includes a set of principles and guidelines to support the responsible management of the company and ensure a sound management and supervision structure.